Regular GatheringsWe gather once or twice a month on Friday evenings for davening and dinner.
Please note: We will not be following our regular schedule during the summer months. Please refer to our calendar at the right. Community Potluck ShabbatOn the first Friday of the month, Selah gathers for spirited Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma'ariv services, followed by a communal vegetarian potluck dinner. Services tend to run an hour. Feel free to show up at any time!
Home Hospitality ShabbatIn addition to our community potlucks, we sometimes offer spirited Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma'ariv services on another Friday night. In order to encourage building community in a more intimate environment, we also help coordinate smaller potluck meals in multiple homes following services.
CalendarIn times of COVID, planning is less certain, but we do some form get-together the first Friday of most months. Email us to learn more